All Parents

Back-to-School Night: EL TTH and PS TTH Only

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Parents of students in the TTH preschool and early learner classes are invited into the classroom to learn more about what their kids will be engaged in during the school […]

School Picture Make-Up Day

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

If you don't have class this day, please bring your child to the playground for their photo. If your child has class on this day, please let your child's teacher […]

Fall Festival

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Join the community for games, music, treats, and more.

All School Toy Clean Up

Families are required to participate in the January toy-cleaning. More details to come.

Community Coffee

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Community Coffee

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

All School Clean Up

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Each family must attend one of two annual clean ups. This is an adult-only event.

Spring General Meeting

Washington Park Early Learning Center 326 E. Colorado Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Parents of next year's students are expected to attend this school meeting. Adults only. Parent social to follow the meeting (details TBD).