WPELC offers the following programs. Please note that children must be minimum class age by September 1st of enrolling school year.
Parent-Tot is a parent/caregiver-accompanied class for kids ages 1½ to 2½*. Children and parents learn together in a supportive and stimulating environment. Class time includes joyful social interactions, sensory exploration, hands-on learning, and parent education.
Parents learn with their children as the teacher models meaningful and age-appropriate activities and skills. This includes effective use of language, conflict resolution, and learning strategies for our youngest students.
Early Learner
Early Learner classes are for kids ages 2½ to 3½*. Children learn and grow socially through hands-on, multi-sensory experiences. Class time includes many opportunities to make choices and develop children’s interests.
Reflecting the needs of young preschoolers, this flexible class allows for full immersion into learning as we play. Teachers support each student in their growth as a whole child and meet their social, cognitive, physical, and creative developmental needs.
Preschool classes are for kids ages 3½ to 5*. Students thrive in a multi-age environment as they acquire new skills and consolidate their learning. Children grow as they navigate a diverse and rich classroom landscape.
As the younger preschoolers receive encouragement to try and do, the older ones take ownership of tasks mastered, only to reach new levels of learning again. Teachers support each child as an individual and provide enrichment to meet their academic and social interests and needs.
Summer Camp
Summer camp is an excellent way for children (ages 3 to 5 years old by June 1st) to continue the fun and learning of WPELC throughout the year. Camp provides consistent social interactions and familiarity with school life. It also keeps newly-acquired skills fresh and practiced for the following school year. It is a bridge that connects our kids to what they have learned and to what they are learning.
* Children must be minimum class age by September 1st of enrolling school year.